Showing results 1 to 50 of 53
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
Conventional methods for preparing liposomes of various types (MLVs, LUVs, SUVs) 1-Jan-2024 Manca, Maria Letizia; Aroffu, Matteo; Fulgheri, Federica; Perra, Matteo; Castangia, Ines - Sophia G. Antimisiaris
Processo one shot per la simultanea estrazione del fitocomplesso dagli scarti di lavorazione agro-industriale e veicolazione in vescicole estrattive e loro uso 1-Jan-2024 Manconi, Maria; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Castangia, Ines; Argiolas, Francesca; Murru, Mariano; PINNA Maria, Barbara - -
From Field to Waste Valorization: A Preliminary Study Exploring the Impact of the Wine Supply Chain on the Phenolic Profile of Three Sardinian Pomace Extracts 1-Jan-2024 Castangia, I.; Aroffu, M.; Fulgheri, F.; Abi Rached, R.; Corrias, F.; Sarais, G.; Bacchetta, G.; Argiolas, F.; Pinna, M. B.; Murru, M.; Manca, M. L.; Manconi, M.; Nacher, A. FOODS -
Valorization of Date By-Products: Enhancement of Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Potentials through Fermentation 1-Jan-2024 Khosravi, Azin; Razavi, Seyed Hadi; Castangia, Ines; Manca, Maria Letizia ANTIOXIDANTS -
Control of skin damages caused by oxidative stress using mangiferin and naringin co-loaded in phospholipid vesicles 1-Jan-2024 Pleguezuelos-Villa, M.; Castangia, I.; Diez-Sales, O.; Manca, M. L.; Manconi, M.; Ruiz Sauri, A.; Talens-Visconti, R.; Nacher, A. JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -
Beclomethasone loaded liposomes enriched with mucin: A suitable approach for the control of skin disorders 1-Jan-2024 Castangia, Ines; Aroffu, Matteo; Allaw, Mohamad; Perra, Matteo; Baroli, Bianca Maria; Usach, Iris; Peris, José Esteban; Valenti, Donatella; Diez-Sales, Octavio; Sauri, Amparo Ruiz; Nacher, Amparo; Fernàndez-Busquets, Xavier; Manconi, Maria; Manca, Maria Letizia BIOMÉDECINE & PHARMACOTHÉRAPIE -
Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of vesicles loaded with an extract obtained from olive leaves 1-Jan-2023 Delogu, I; Castangia, I; Puxeddu, S; Raga, E; Manca, Ml; Manzin, A; Angius, F - -
Co-delivering of oleuropein and lentisk oil in phospholipid vesicles as an effective approach to modulate oxidative stress, cytokine secretion and promote skin regeneration 1-Jan-2023 Sklenarova, Renata; Allaw, Mohamad; Perra, Matteo; Castangia, Ines; Frankova, Jana; Luis Pedraz, Josè; Letizia Manca, Maria; Manconi, Maria EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS -
Exhausted Grape Seed Residues as a Valuable Source of Antioxidant Molecules for the Formulation of Biocompatible Cosmetic Scrubs 1-Jan-2023 Salem, Yara; Rajha, Hiba N; Sunoqrot, Suhair; Hammad, Alaa M; Castangia, Ines; Manconi, Maria; Manca, Maria Letizia; Al Lababidi, Dana; Touma, Joe A; Maroun, Richard G; Louka, Nicolas MOLECULES -
Comprehensive review of natural based hydrogels as an upcoming trend for food packing 1-Jan-2023 Leyva-Jimenez, F. J.; Oliver-Simancas, R.; Castangia, I.; Rodriguez-Garcia, A. M.; Alanon, M. E. FOOD HYDROCOLLOIDS -
The comparative perspective of phytochemistry and biological properties of the Apiaceae family plants 1-Jan-2023 Hamidian, M.; Salehi, A.; Naghiha, R.; Dehnavi, M. M.; Castangia, I.; Mirfathi, M. N. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -
A Cocktail-Based Formula for the Design of Nanosized Cosmeceuticals as Skincare and Anti-Age Products 1-Jan-2023 Castangia, I.; Fulgheri, F.; Perra, M.; Bacchetta, G.; Fancello, L.; Corrias, F.; Usach, I.; Peris, J. E.; Manca, M. L.; Manconi, M. NANOMATERIALS -
From Grape By-Products to Enriched Yogurt Containing Pomace Extract Loaded in Nanotechnological Nutriosomes Tailored for Promoting Gastro-Intestinal Wellness 1-Jan-2023 Castangia, Ines; Fulgheri, Federica; Leyva-Jimenez, Francisco Javier; Alañón, Maria Elena; Cádiz-Gurrea, Maria de la Luz; Marongiu, Francesca; Meloni, Maria Cristina; Aroffu, Matteo; Perra, Matteo; Allaw, Mohamad; Abi Rached, Rita; Oliver-Simancas, Rodrigo; Escribano Ferrer, Elvira; Asunis, Fabiano; Manca, Maria Letizia; Manconi, Maria ANTIOXIDANTS -
Stability and Antioxidant Activity of Hydro-Glyceric Extracts Obtained from Different Grape Seed Varieties Incorporated in Cosmetic Creams 1-Jan-2022 Salem, Y; Rajha, Hn; Franjieh, D; Hoss, I; Manca, Ml; Manconi, M; Castangia, I; Perra, M; Maroun, Rg; Louka, N ANTIOXIDANTS -
An outlook on modern and sustainable approaches to the management of grape pomace by integrating green processes, biotechnologies and advanced biomedical approaches 1-Jan-2022 Perra, M.; Bacchetta, G.; Muntoni, A.; De Gioannis, G.; Castangia, I.; Rajha, H. N.; Manca, M. L.; Manconi, M. JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL FOODS -
Evaluation of the composition and antimicrobial activities of essential oils from four species of Lamiaceae Martinov native to Iran 1-Jan-2022 Ghavam, M.; Bacchetta, G.; Castangia, I.; Manca, M. L. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS -
Application of Response Surface Methodologies to Optimize High-Added Value Products Developments: Cosmetic Formulations as an Example 1-Jan-2022 Castangia, Ines; Leyva-Jiménez, Francisco-Javier; Fernández-Ochoa, Álvaro; de la Luz Cádiz-Gurrea, María; Lozano-Sánchez, Jesús; Oliver-Simancas, Rodrigo; Elena Alañón, M.; Segura-Carretero, Antonio; Arráez-Román, David ANTIOXIDANTS -
Formulation and Testing of Antioxidant and Protective Effect of Hyalurosomes Loading Extract Rich in Rosmarinic Acid Biotechnologically Produced from Lavandula angustifolia Miller 1-Jan-2022 Perra, Matteo; Fancello, Laura; Castangia, Ines; Allaw, Mohamad; Escribano-Ferrer, Elvira; Peris, José Esteban; Usach, Iris; Manca, Maria Letizia; Koycheva, Ivanka K; Georgiev, Milen I; Manconi, Maria MOLECULES -
Mouthwash Formulation Co-Delivering Quercetin and Mint Oil in Liposomes Improved with Glycol and Ethanol and Tailored for Protecting and Tackling Oral Cavity 1-Jan-2022 Castangia, I.; Manconi, M.; Allaw, M.; Perra, M.; Orru, G.; Fais, S.; Scano, A.; Escribano-Ferrer, E.; Ghavam, M.; Rezvani, M.; Manca, M. L. ANTIOXIDANTS -
From plants to phospholipid vesicles: A comprehensive review on the incorporation of phytochemicals into phospholipid vesicles designed for skin applications with special focus on scalability and in vitro and in vivo efficacy 1-Jan-2022 Allaw, M.; Manca, M. L.; Castangia, I.; Manconi, M. JOURNAL OF DRUG DELIVERY SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -
Canthaxanthin Biofabrication, Loading in Green Phospholipid Vesicles and Evaluation of In Vitro Protection of Cells and Promotion of Their Monolayer Regeneration 1-Jan-2022 Castangia, I.; Manca, M. L.; Razavi, S. H.; Nacher, A.; Diez-Sales, O.; Peris, J. E.; Allaw, M.; Terencio, M. C.; Usach, I.; Manconi, M. BIOMEDICINES -
Formulation and In Vitro Efficacy Assessment of Teucrium marum Extract Loading Hyalurosomes Enriched with Tween 80 and Glycerol 1-Jan-2022 Firoznezhad, M.; Castangia, I.; Tuberoso, C. I. G.; Cottiglia, F.; Marongiu, F.; Porceddu, M.; Usach, I.; Escribano-Ferrer, E.; Manca, M. L.; Manconi, M. NANOMATERIALS -
Complementary effect of Zingiber officinalis extract and citral in counteracting non allergic nasal congestion by simultaneous loading in ad hoc formulated phospholipid vesicles 1-Jan-2022 Casula, E.; Manconi, M.; Lopez-Mendez, T. B.; Pedraz, J. L.; Calvo, E.; Lozano, A.; Zaru, M.; Castangia, I.; Orru, G.; Fais, S.; Manca, M. L. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES -
Inhalable Mannosylated Rifampicin–Curcumin Co-Loaded Nanomicelles with Enhanced In Vitro Antimicrobial Efficacy for an Optimized Pulmonary Tuberculosis Therapy 1-Jan-2022 Galdopórpora, Juan M.; Martinena, Camila; Bernabeu, Ezequiel; Riedel, Jennifer; Palmas, Lucia; Castangia, Ines; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Garcés, Mariana; Lázaro-Martinez, Juan; Jimena Salgueiro, Maria; Evelson, Pablo; Liliana Tateosian, Nancy; Andres Chiappetta, Diego; Analia Moretton, Marcela PHARMACEUTICS -
Jabuticaba (Myrciaria jaboticaba) peel as a sustainable source of anthocyanins and ellagitannins delivered by phospholipid vesicles for alleviating oxidative stress in human keratinocytes 1-Jan-2021 Castangia, I.; Manca, M. L.; Allaw, M.; Hellstrom, J.; Granato, D.; Manconi, M. MOLECULES -
Nutriosomes: prebiotic delivery systems combining phospholipids, a soluble dextrin and curcumin to counteract intestinal oxidative stress and inflammation 1-Jan-2018 Catalán-Latorre, Ana; Pleguezuelos-Villa, Maria; Castangia, Ines; Manca, Maria Letizia; Caddeo, Carla; Nácher, Amparo; Díez-Sales, Octavio; Peris, José Esteban; Pons, Ramon; Escribano-Ferrer, Elvira; Fadda, Anna Maria; Manconi, Maria NANOSCALE -
Combination of grape extract-silver nanoparticles and liposomes: A totally green approach 1-Jan-2017 Castangia, Ines; Marongiu, Francesca; Manca, Maria Letizia; Pompei, Raffaello; Angius, Fabrizio; Ardu, Andrea; Fadda, Anna Maria; Manconi, Maria; Ennas, Guido EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES -
Glycerosomes: use of hydrogenated soy phosphatidylcholine mixture and its effect on vesicle features and diclofenac skin penetration 1-Jan-2016 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Cencetti, C; Matricardi, P; Castangia, Ines; Zaru, M; Diez Sales, O; Nacher, A; Valenti, Donatella; Maccioni, ANNA MARIA; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS -
Hyalurosomes, their use in topical cosmetic or pharmaceutical compositions and their preparation process 1-Jan-2016 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Manconi, Maria; Zaru, M.; Castangia, I.; Cabras, A.; Cappai, N.; Fadda, ANNA MARIA - -
Inhalable polymer-glycerosomes as safe and effective carriers for rifampicin delivery to the lungs 1-Jan-2016 Melis, V; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Bullita, Enrica; Tamburini, Elena; Castangia, Ines; Cardia, MARIA CRISTINA; Valenti, Donatella; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Peris, Je; Manconi, Maria COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES -
Phycocyanin-encapsulating hyalurosomes as carrier for skin delivery and protection from oxidative stress damage 1-Jan-2016 Castangia, Ines; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; CATALAN LATORRE, Ana; Maccioni, ANNA MARIA; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. MATERIALS IN MEDICINE -
Polymer-associated liposomes for the oral delivery of grape pomace extract 1-Jan-2016 Manconi, Maria; Marongiu, Francesca; Castangia, I; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Caddeo, Carla; Tuberoso, CARLO IGNAZIO GIOVANNI; D’Hallewin, G; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Fadda, ANNA MARIA COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES -
Hyalurosomes, their use in topical cosmetic or pharmaceutical compositions and their preparation process 1-Jan-2016 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Manconi, Maria; Zaru, M.; Castangia, I.; Cabras, A.; Cappai, N.; Fadda, ANNA MARIA - -
Santosomes as natural and efficient carriers for the improvement of phycocyanin reepithelising ability in vitro and in vivo 1-Jan-2016 Castangia, Ines; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Caddeo, Carla; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Pons, R; Demurtas, D; Diez Sales, O; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS AND BIOPHARMACEUTICS -
Chemical characterization of Citrus limon var. pompia and incorporation in phospholipid vesicles for skin delivery 1-Jan-2016 Manconi, Maria; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Marongiu, Francesca; Caddeo, Carla; Castangia, Ines; Petretto, Giacomo Luigi; Pintore, Giorgio; Sarais, Giorgia; D'Hallewin, Guy; Zaru, Marco; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Fadda, ANNA MARIA INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS -
Protective effect of grape extract phospholipid vesicles against oxidative stress skin damages 1-Jan-2016 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Marongiu, Francesca; Castangia, Ines; CATALAN LATORRE, Ana; Caddeo, Carla; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Ennas, Guido; Zaru, M; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS -
Development of curcumin loaded sodium hyaluronate immobilized vesicles (hyalurosomes) and their potential on skin inflammation and wound restoring 1-Jan-2015 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Castangia, Ines; Zaru, M; Nacher, A; Valenti, Donatella; Fernàndez Busquets, X; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria BIOMATERIALS -
Effects of ethanol and diclofenac on the organization of hydrogenated phosphatidylcholine bilayer vesicles and their ability as skin carriers 1-Jan-2015 Castangia, Ines; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Matricardi, P; CATALAN LATORRE, Ana; Nácher, A; Diez Sales, O; Fernàndez Busquets, X; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE. MATERIALS IN MEDICINE -
Identification and nanoentrapment of polyphenolic phytocomplex from Fraxinus angustifolia: in vitro and in vivo wound healing potential 1-Jan-2015 Moulaoui, K; Caddeo, Carla; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Castangia, I; Valenti, Donatella; Escribano, E; Atmani, D; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY -
Therapeutic efficacy of quercetin enzyme-responsive nanovesicles for the treatment of experimental colitis in rats 1-Jan-2015 Castangia, Ines; Nacher, A; Caddeo, Carla; Merino, V; Diez Sales, O; CATALAN LATORRE, Ana; Fernandez Busquets, X; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria ACTA BIOMATERIALIA -
Delivery of liquorice extract by liposomes and hyalurosomes to protect the skin against oxidative stress injuries 1-Jan-2015 Castangia, Ines; Caddeo, Carla; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Casu, Laura; CATALAN LATORRE, Ana; Díez Sales, O; Ruiz Saurí, A; Bacchetta, Gianluigi; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS -
Faceted phospholipid vesicles tailored for the delivery of Santolina insularis essential oil to the skin 1-Jan-2015 Castangia, Ines; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Caddeo, Carla; Maxia, Andrea; Murgia, Sergio; Pons, Ramon; Demurtas, Davide; Pando, Daniel; Falconieri, Danilo; Peris, José E.; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES -
New lipid nanovesicles as topical delivery sistems for ant-inflammatory drugs 14-Apr-2014 - - Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Fabrication of quercetin and curcumin bionanovesicles for the prevention and rapid regeneration of full-thickness skin defects on mice 1-Jan-2014 Castangia, Ines; Nácher, A; Caddeo, Carla; Valenti, Donatella; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Díez Sales, O; Ruiz Saurí, A; Manconi, Maria ACTA BIOMATERIALIA -
Improvement of quercetin protective effect against oxidative stress skin damages by incorporation in nanovesicles 1-Jan-2014 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Castangia, I; Caddeo, Carla; Pando, D; Escribano, E; Valenti, Donatella; Lampis, Sandrina; Zaru, M; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES -
Molecular arrangements and interconnected bilayer formation induced by alcohol or polyalcohol in phospholipid vesicles 1-Jan-2014 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Castangia, I; Matricardi, P; Lampis, Sandrina; Fernàndez Busquets, X; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES -
Effect of diclofenac and glycol intercalation on structural assembly of phospholipid lamellar vesicles 1-Jan-2013 Castangia, Ines; Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Matricardi, P; Sinico, Chiara; Lampis, Sandrina; Fernàndez Busquets, X; Fadda, ANNA MARIA; Manconi, Maria INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICS -
Close-packed vesicles for diclofenac skin delivery and fibroblast targeting 1-Jan-2013 Manca, MARIA LETIZIA; Manconi, Maria; Falchi, ANGELA MARIA; Castangia, I; Valenti, Donatella; Lampis, Sandrina; Fadda, ANNA MARIA COLLOIDS AND SURFACES. B, BIOINTERFACES -
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