Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
Design methodologies and architectures for application-specific coarse-grain reconfigurable accelerators 15-Feb-2024 - - Università degli Studi di Cagliari
A multithread AES accelerator for Cyber-Physical Systems 1-Jan-2023 Ratto, Francesco; Raffo, Luigi; Palumbo, Francesca - The Association for Computing Machinery
An Automated Design Flow for Adaptive Neural Network Hardware Accelerators 1-Jan-2023 Ratto, F.; Mainez, A. P.; Sau, C.; Meloni, P.; Deriu, G.; Delucchi, S.; Massa, M.; Raffo, L.; Palumbo, F. JOURNAL OF SIGNAL PROCESSING SYSTEMS FOR SIGNAL, IMAGE, AND VIDEO TECHNOLOGY -
Multithread Accelerators on FPGAs: A Dataflow-Based Approach 1-Jan-2022 Ratto, F.; Esposito, S.; Sau, C.; Raffo, L.; Palumbo, F. - -
Mutual Impact between Clock Gating and High Level Synthesis in Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators 1-Jan-2021 Ratto, Francesco; Fanni, Tiziana; Raffo, Luigi; Sau, Carlo ELECTRONICS -
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
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