Showing results 1 to 50 of 155
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
A Coaxial Line Fixture Based on a Hybrid PSO-NLR Model for in Situ Dielectric Permittivity Determination of Carasau Bread Dough 1-Jan-2024 Muntoni, Giacomo; Curreli, Nicola; Toro, Davide; Melis, Andrea; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Loddo, Antonio; Mazzarella, Giuseppe; Fanti, Alessandro IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AGRIFOOD ELECTRONICS. -
A Low-profile Shared Aperture Antenna for FR1 and FR2 5G Frequency Bands 1-Jan-2024 Simone, Marco; Pavone, Santi Concetto; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Curreli, Nicola; Muntoni, Giacomo; Fanti, Alessandro; Sorbello, Gino; Mazzarella, Giuseppe IEEE ACCESS -
Preliminary Design and Test of a Microwave Inline Moisture Sensor for the Carasau Bread Industry 1-Jan-2024 Muntoni, Giacomo; Lodi, Matteo B.; Fedeli, Alessandro; Melis, Andrea; Macciò, Claudia; Pastorino, Matteo; Randazzo, Andrea; Mazzarella, Giuseppe; Fanti, Alessandro IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION -
A Dual Linearly Polarized Array for 5G FR2 1-Jan-2024 Simone, M.; Pavone, S. C.; Lodi, M. B.; Curreli, N.; Muntoni, G.; Fanti, A.; Sorbello, G.; Mazzarella, G. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Modeling of Magnetic Scaffolds as Drug Delivery Platforms for Tissue Engineering and Cancer Therapy 1-Jan-2024 Lodi, Matteo B.; Corda, Eleonora M. A.; Desogus, Francesco; Fanti, Alessandro; Mazzarella, Giuseppe BIOENGINEERING -
Effects of Carasau Dough Composition on the Microwave Dielectric Spectra up to 20 GHz 1-Jan-2023 Lodi, MATTEO BRUNO; Macciò, Claudia; Curreli, Nicola; Melis, Andrea; Mazzarella, Giuseppe; Fanti, Alessandro IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AGRIFOOD ELECTRONICS. -
Wideband Antennas for Cubesat Platforms: Design and Multiphysics Analysis 1-Jan-2023 Lodi, Matteo B.; Muntoni, Giacomo; Simone, Marco; Fanti, Alessandro; Mazzarella, Giuseppe - IEEE
A Robust Multi-Band Sierpinski Gasket Monopole for Microwave Breast Cancer Imaging 1-Jan-2023 Porcu, Isabella; Muntoni, Giacomo; Macciò, Claudia; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Fanti, Alessandro; Mazzarella, Giuseppe - -
A methodology for the measurement of the specific absorption rate of magnetic scaffolds 1-Jan-2023 Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Makridis, Antonis; Kazeli, Konstantina; Samaras, Theodoros; Angelakeris, Makis; Muntoni, Giacomo; Fanti, Alessandro; Mazzarella, Giuseppe - -
Numerical Study of the Optical Response of ITO-In2O3 Core-Shell Nanocrystals for Multispectral Electromagnetic Shielding 1-Jan-2023 Curreli, N; Lodi, Mb; Ghini, M; Petrini, N; Buono, A; Migliaccio, M; Fanti, A; Kriegel, I; Mazzarella, G IEEE JOURNAL ON MULTISCALE AND MULTIPHYSICS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES -
Feasibility Analysis of Theranostic Magnetic Scaffolds for Microwave Monitoring of Hyperthermia Treatment of Bone Tumors 1-Jan-2023 Lodi, M. B.; Curreli, N.; Dachena, C.; Fedeli, A.; Scapaticci, R.; Randazzo, A.; Pastorino, M.; Fanti, A. IEEE JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, RF AND MICROWAVES IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. -
On the Evaluation of the Hyperthermic Efficiency of Magnetic Scaffolds 1-Jan-2023 Lodi, M. B.; Makridis, A.; Kazeli, K.; Samaras, T.; Angelakeris, M.; Mazzarella, G.; Fanti, A. IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY -
Design of a Sierpinski Fractal Antenna for Breast Tumors Diagnosis 1-Jan-2023 Porcu, I.; Maccio, C.; Muntoni, G.; Fanti, A. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
A Simple Blass Matrix Design Strategy for Multibeam Arbitrary Linear Antenna Arrays 1-Jan-2023 Buttazzoni, G.; Marongiu, E.; Fanti, A.; Melis, A.; Curreli, N.; Pavone, S. C.; Sorbello, G.; Schettino, G. M.; Vatta, F.; Babich, F.; Comisso, M. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION -
An in Silico Study on Nanocomposite Magnetic Implants for Microwave Cancer Theranostics 1-Jan-2023 Lodi, Matteo B.; Curreli, Nicola; Fanti, Alessandro; Mazzarella, G. - -
Microwave Spectroscopy Investigation of Carasau Bread Doughs: Effects of Composition up to 8.5 GHz 1-Jan-2023 Maccio, C.; Melis, A.; Lodi, M. B.; Garau, E.; Desogus, F.; Loddo, A.; Di Napoli, F.; Mazzarella, G.; Fanti, A. FOODS -
Design of a Low-Profile Dual Linearly Polarized Antenna Array for mm-Wave 5G 1-Jan-2023 Simone, Marco; Pavone, Santi Concetto; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Curreli, Nicola; Muntoni, Giacomo; Fanti, Alessandro; Sorbello, Gino; Mazzarella, Giuseppe IEEE ACCESS -
Non-Destructive Characterization of Magnetic Polymeric Scaffolds using Terahertz Time-of-Flight Imaging 1-Jan-2023 Zappia, S.; Scapaticci, R.; Lodi, M. B.; Fanti, A.; Ruello, G.; Crocco, L.; Catapano, I. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON TERAHERTZ SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -
Nanomaterials for Electromagnetic-Based Diagnostics and Therapeutics 1-Jan-2023 Lodi, Matteo B.; Caramazza, Laura; Thanou, Maya; Nguyen, THI KIM THANH; Rossi, Francesco; Serantes, David; Bonello, Julian; Farrugia, Lourdes; Liberti, Micaela; Apollonio, Francesca; Fanti, Alessandro; Mazzarella, Giuseppe - IEEE
Two Co-Linear Transitions for Q-Band Horn Waveguide Dense Cluster 1-Jan-2022 Simone, Marco; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Muntoni, Giacomo; Curreli, Nicola; Fanti, Alessandro; Pisanu, Tonino; Valente, Giuseppe; Montisci, Giorgio; Mazzarella, Giuseppe - -
A Robust SVM Color-Based Food Segmentation Algorithm for the Production Process of a Traditional Carasau Bread 1-Jan-2022 Mannaro, K.; Baire, M.; Fanti, A.; Lodi, M. B.; Didaci, L.; Fedeli, A.; Cocco, L.; Randazzo, A.; Mazzarella, G.; Fumera, G. IEEE ACCESS -
Microwaves as Diagnostic Tool for Pituitary Tumors: Preliminary Investigations 1-Jan-2022 Casula, F; Lodi, Mb; Curreli, N; Fedeli, A; Scapaticci, R; Muntoni, G; Randazzo, A; Djuric, N; Vannucci, L; Fanti, A ELECTRONICS -
Control of electronic band profiles through depletion layer engineering in core–shell nanocrystals 1-Jan-2022 Ghini, M.; Curreli, N.; Lodi, M. B.; Petrini, N.; Wang, M.; Prato, M.; Fanti, A.; Manna, L.; Kriegel, I. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS -
A Wideband Sensor for Complex Permittivity of Carasau Bread Dough Based on a Double Ridge Waveguide 1-Jan-2022 Maccio, C; Lodi, Mb; Curreli, N; Melis, A; Mazzarella, G; Bozzi, M; Fanti, A - IEEE
Design and Characterization of Modified Comb Patch Antennas 1-Jan-2022 Marongiu, E; Fanti, A; Pavone, Sc; Lodi, Mb; Melis, A; Curreli, N; Musu, C; Sorbello, G; Mazzarella, G IEEE ACCESS -
Influence of Magnetic Scaffold Loading Patterns on their Hyperthermic Potential against Bone Tumors 1-Jan-2022 Lodi, M. B.; Curreli, N.; Zappia, S.; Pilia, L.; Casula, M. F.; Fiorito, S.; Catapano, I.; Desogus, F.; Pellegrino, T.; Kriegel, I.; Crocco, L.; Mazzarella, G.; Fanti, A. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING -
Evaluation of a Smectite Adsorption-Based Electrostatic System to Decontaminate F− Rich Thermal Waters 1-Jan-2022 Fanari, F.; Lodi, M. B.; Getaneh, W.; Fanti, A.; Desogus, F.; Valera, P. WATER -
Analysis of a Flexible Dual-Channel Octagonal Coil System for UHF MRI 1-Jan-2022 Curreli, Nicola; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Melis, Andrea; Puddu, Claudio; Casu, Sergio; Fanti, Alessandro; Djuric, Nikola; Retico, Alessandra; Mazzarella, Giuseppe IEEE ACCESS -
Design and characterization of magnetic scaffolds for bone tumor hyperthermia 1-Jan-2022 Lodi, M. B.; Makridis, A.; Carboni, N. M.; Kazeli, K.; Curreli, N.; Samaras, T.; Angelakeris, M.; Mazzarella, G.; Fanti, A. IEEE ACCESS -
A Curved 3D-Printed S-band Patch Antenna for Plastic CubeSat 1-Jan-2022 Muntoni, Giacomo; Montisci, Giorgio; Melis, Andrea; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Curreli, Nicola; Simone, Marco; Tedeschi, Giacomo; Fanti, Alessandro; Pisanu, Tonino; Kriegel, Ilka; Athanassiou, Athanassia; Mazzarella, Giuseppe IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION -
A Deep Space Ka-band Antenna for CubeSat: Design and Multiphysics Analysis 1-Jan-2022 Simone, Marco; Lodi, Matteo Bruno; Curreli, Nicola; Pavone, Santi Concetto; Maccio, Claudia; Marongiu, Elena; Mariani, Lorena; Muntoni, Giacomo; Mazzarella, Giuseppe; Fanti, Alessandro - -
Preliminary Design of a Double Ridge Waveguide Device for Monitoring the Complex Permittivity of Carasau Bread Doughs 1-Jan-2022 Maccio, C.; Lodi, M. B.; Curreli, N.; Mariani, L.; Melis, A.; Simone, M.; Muntoni, G.; Mazzarella, G.; Bozzi, M.; Fanti, A. - -
Designing a Microwave Moisture Content Sensor for Carasau Bread: A Feasibility Study 1-Jan-2022 Muntoni, G; Fedeli, A; Lodi, Mb; Simone, M; Randazzo, A; Mazzarella, G; Fanti, A - IEEE
Initial Experimental Tests of an ANN-Based Microwave Imaging Technique for Neck Diagnostics 1-Jan-2022 Dachena, C; Fedeli, A; Fanti, A; Lodi, Mb; Fumera, G; Pastorino, M; Randazzo, A IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERS -
A Microwave Imaging Technique Based on Artificial Neural Networks for Neck Tumors Detection 1-Jan-2022 Dachena, Chiara; Fedeli, Alessandro; Fanti, Alessandro; Lodi, Matteo B.; Fumera, Giorgio; Pastorino, Matteo; Randazzo, Andrea - -
Preliminary Study of Bone Tumors Hyperthermia at Microwaves Using Magnetic Implants 1-Jan-2022 Lodi, M. B.; Curreli, N.; Maccio, C.; Marongiu, E.; Mariani, L.; Fanti, A.; Bozzi, M.; Mazzarella, G. - -
Microwave imaging for the diagnosis of cervical diseases: a feasibility analysis 1-Jan-2021 Dachena, C.; Fedeli, A.; Fanti, A.; Lodi, M. B.; Pastorino, M.; Randazzo, A. IEEE JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, RF AND MICROWAVES IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. -
Microwave Imaging of the Neck by Means of Artificial Neural Networks for Tumor Detection 1-Jan-2021 Dachena, Chiara; Fedeli, Alessandro; Fanti, Alessandro; Lodi, Matteo B.; Fumera, Giorgio; Randazzo, Andrea; Pastorino, Matteo IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION -
An in-line coaxial-to-waveguide transition for q-band single-feed-per-beam antenna systems 1-Jan-2021 Simone, M.; Fanti, A.; Lodi, M. B.; Pisanu, T.; Mazzarella, G. APPLIED SCIENCES -
A Multiphysics Model for Bone Repair Using Magnetic Scaffolds for Targeted Drug Delivery 1-Jan-2021 Lodi, Matteo Bruno Bruno; Fanti, Alessandro; Vargiu, Andrea; Bozzi, Maurizio; Mazzarella, Giuseppe IEEE JOURNAL ON MULTISCALE AND MULTIPHYSICS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES -
Towards the robust and effective design of hyperthermic devices: Improvement of a patch antenna for the case study of abdominal rhabdomyosarcoma with 3D perfusion 1-Jan-2021 Lodi, M. B.; Muntoni, G.; Ruggeri, A.; Fanti, A.; Montisci, G.; Mazzarella, G. IEEE JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETICS, RF AND MICROWAVES IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY. -
Development and Validation of a Finite Periodic Transmission Line Model for Body Channel Communication 1-Jan-2021 Lodi, M. B.; Cuccu, C.; Fanti, A.; Mazzarella, G. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Microwave Tomography of the Neck with ANNs: Preliminary Results with Simplified Numerical Phantoms 1-Jan-2021 Dachena, C.; Fedeli, A.; Pastorino, M.; Randazzo, A.; Fanti, A.; Lodi, M. B.; Fumera, G. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Optimized Design and Multiphysics Analysis of a Ka-band Stacked Antenna for CubeSat Applications 1-Jan-2021 Simone, Marco; Lodi, Matteo Bruno Bruno; Curreli, Nicola; Pavone, Santi Concetto; Mazzarella, Giuseppe; Fanti, Alessandro IEEE JOURNAL ON MULTISCALE AND MULTIPHYSICS COMPUTATIONAL TECHNIQUES -
Microwave Characterization and Modeling of the Carasau Bread Doughs During Leavening 1-Jan-2021 Lodi, M. B.; Curreli, N.; Melis, A.; Garau, E.; Fanari, F.; Fedeli, A.; Randazzo, A.; Mazzarella, G.; Fanti, A. IEEE ACCESS -
5G Wideband Stacked Patch Antennas 1-Jan-2021 Simone, M.; Fanti, A.; Mazzarella, G. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
A Blockchain-based traceability system in Agri-Food SME: case study of a traditional bakery 1-Jan-2021 Cocco, Luisanna; Mannaro, Katiuscia; Tonelli, Roberto; Mariani, Lorena; Lodi, Matteo B.; Melis, Andrea; Simone, Marco; Fanti, Alessandro IEEE ACCESS -
Multiphysics Modeling of Magnetic Scaffolds for Biomedical Applications 1-Jan-2021 Lodi, M. B.; Fanti, A. - -
A Microwave Imaging Technique for Neck Diseases Monitoring 1-Jan-2021 Dachena, C; Fedeli, A; Fanti, A; Lodi, Mb; Pastorino, M; Randazzo, A - IEEE
Empowering traditional carasau bread production using wireless sensor network 1-Jan-2021 Baire, M.; Melis, A.; Lodi, M. B.; Lodi, L.; Fanti, A.; Mazzarella, G. - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Showing results 1 to 50 of 155
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