Showing results 1 to 34 of 34
Title Issue Date Author(s) Journal Publisher
The EU 30+ should overhaul its rule of law toolkit to meet the challenges of further enlargement 1-Jan-2024 Pantaleo, Luca; Siddi, Marco TEPSA European Council Experts’ Debrief -
European Rule of Law and Arbitration: What Standard(s)? 1-Jan-2023 Kemshaw, Amanda; Malliaropoulou, Artemis; Pantaleo, Luca; Warwas, Barbara TRANSNATIONAL DISPUTE MANAGEMENT -
Le 'sentenze gemelle' del Consiglio di Stato in materia di concessioni balneari e la dottrina degli effetti diretti delle direttive 1-Jan-2023 Pantaleo, Luca DIRITTO DEI TRASPORTI -
Protecting Workers’ Rights and Freedoms under the EU-MERCOSUR Trade Agreement: a Dream Coming True? 1-Jan-2023 Pantaleo, Luca IL DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA -
The Court of Justice finally rules on the analogical application of Art. 351 TFEU: end of the story? 1-Jan-2022 Pantaleo, Luca EUROPEAN PAPERS -
The Protection of GIs in EU Bilateral Instruments. Some Reflections in Light of the EU-MERCOSUR Trade Deal 1-Jan-2022 Pantaleo, Luca EUROPEAN PAPERS -
The Reviewability of Acts Adopted by the Member States Meeting within the Council: Parliament v Council and Commission (Bangladesh Aid) 1-Jan-2022 Pantaleo, Luca - Hart Publishing
Litigating Human Rights Disputes Against the EU and the Member States: Some Reflections in Light of Opinion 1/17 1-Jan-2021 Pantaleo, Luca EUROPEAN PAPERS -
Protecting Peasant Peoples and other Rural Workers’Rights through The EU Mercosur Trade Agreement 1-Jan-2021 Pantaleo, Luca; Seatzu, Francesco IL DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA -
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back?: The EU-MERCOSUR Dispute Settlement Mechanism in the Light of the EU’s Experience with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) 1-Jan-2021 Pantaleo, Luca; Seatzu, Francesco IL DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA -
The EU-Mercosur Trade Agreement: the Beginning of a New Era for the EU-Mercosur Relations? 1-Jan-2021 Pantaleo, Luca; Seatzu, Francesco IL DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA -
EU external action in international economic law and the challenges posed by the EU’s hybrid nature 1-Jan-2020 Pantaleo, Luca; Andenas, Mads - Asser Press
The future of investment arbitration in the light of Opinion 1/17 1-Jan-2020 Pantaleo, Luca QUESTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW -
La libera circolazione dei prodotti farmaceutici e sanitari all’interno dell’Unione Europea. Riflessioni a margine della pandemia da Covid-19 1-Jan-2020 Pantaleo, Luca - Dipartimento di scienze giuridiche, AMS Acta – AlmaDL, Università di Bologna
The Participation of the EU in International Dispute Settlement. Lessons from EU Investment Agreements 1-Jan-2019 Pantaleo, Luca - Springer/T.M.C. Asser Press
The Autonomy of the EU Legal Order and International Dispute Settlement in the Wake of Opinion 1/17 1-Jan-2019 Pantaleo, Luca STUDI SULL'INTEGRAZIONE EUROPEA -
Secondo l’avvocato generale Yves Bot, il meccanismo di risoluzione delle controversie in materia di investimenti istituito dal CETA è compatibile con il diritto dell’Unione 1-Jan-2019 Pantaleo, Luca IL DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA -
Anti-terrorism smart sanctions and armed conflicts 1-Jan-2018 Pantaleo, Luca - Palgrave Macmillan
La mancata esecuzione del lodo arbitrale nel caso Achmea: quale futuro per le controversie in materia di investimento intra-UE? 1-Jan-2018 Pantaleo, Luca IL DIRITTO DELL'UNIONE EUROPEA -
To be or not to be (a terrorist). Understanding the interplay between EU anti-terrorism legislation and international humanitarian law in light of recent EU case law 1-Jan-2018 Pantaleo, Luca REVISTA GENERAL DE DERECHO EUROPEO -
Division of Competences, EU Autonomy and the Determination of the Respondent Party: Proceduralisation as a Possible Way-Out? 1-Jan-2018 Pantaleo, Luca - Nomos
Investment Disputes under CETA: from Gold Standards to Best Practices? 1-Jan-2017 Pantaleo, Luca EUROPEAN BUSINESS LAW REVIEW -
The provisional application of CETA: Selected Issues 1-Jan-2017 Pantaleo, Luca QUESTIONS OF INTERNATIONAL LAW -
The promotion of market integrity through the conclusion of FTAs in the practice of the EU 1-Jan-2017 Pantaleo, Luca REVUE INTERNATIONALE DES SERVICES FINANCIERS -
Respondent Status and Allocation of International Responsibility Under EU Investment Agreements 1-Jan-2016 Pantaleo, Luca EUROPEAN PAPERS -
Sanctions Cases in the European Courts 1-Jan-2016 Pantaleo, Luca - Hart Publishing
A função da doutrina no direito internacional e a sua influência sobre a corte internacional de justiça 1-Jan-2015 Pantaleo, Luca; Palchetti, Paolo - Juruá editora
Of terrorists and combatants: the application of EU anti-terrorists measures to situations of armed conflict in the general Court’s ruling concerning the Liberation Tigers of Amil Eelam 1-Jan-2015 Pantaleo, Luca EUROPEAN LAW REVIEW -
Towards an EU-Mercosur Investment Agreement 1-Jan-2014 Pantaleo, Luca STUDIA DIPLOMATICA -
Member States prior agreements and newly EU attributed competence: what lesson from foreign investment 1-Jan-2014 Pantaleo, Luca EUROPEAN FOREIGN AFFAIRS REVIEW -
CASE C-376/10 P, Pye Phyo Tay Za v. Council, Judgment of the European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber) of 13 March 2012 1-Jan-2012 Pantaleo, Luca COMMON MARKET LAW REVIEW -
La protection des droits fondamentaux de la défense dans l’application des mesures ciblées. L'apport des juridictions à la gouvernance des problèmes sécuritaires 1-Jan-2012 Pantaleo, Luca - Editoriale scientifica
Sanzioni mirate dell’Unione Europea contro uno Stato terzo e tutela dei diritti fondamentali nella sentenza Bamba: un passo avanti ed uno indietro? 1-Jan-2011 Pantaleo, Luca DIRITTI UMANI E DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE -
Sanzioni mirate dell’Unione Europea contro uno Stato terzo e tutela dei diritti fondamentali degli individui 1-Jan-2010 Pantaleo, Luca RIVISTA DI DIRITTO INTERNAZIONALE -
Showing results 1 to 34 of 34
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